Serve up Purina ONE True Instinct With a Blend of Real Turkey and Venison adult dry natural dog food with added dog vitamins and minerals, plus nutrients to give your dog the nutrition he craves. With 100 percent nutrition and 0 percent fillers, every ingredient in this wholesome dog food has a purpose. Purina starts this high protein dog food recipe with real turkey as the number 1 ingredient and includes real venison. Each delicious serving of this Purina ONE dry dog food delivers 30 percent protein, which helps support your active dog's strong muscles, including his healthy heart. Purina also crafts this natural, high-protein dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients and with no poultry by-product meal, artificial flavors, or preservatives to ensure your dog is getting everything he needs and nothing he doesn’t. Along with a highly digestible dog kibble formula that lets more nutrition go to work inside your pal, this nutrient-dense recipe also features natural sources of glucosamine for dogs to support joint health. This complete and balanced Purina ONE dry adult dog food features two times the meaty morsels compared to our Purina ONE Lamb and Rice formula.
- Real turkey is the number 1 ingredient in this Purina ONE venison and turkey dog kibble with 30 percent protein that helps support strong muscles, including a healthy heart
- Natural dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients and with no artificial flavors or preservatives
- 100 percent Purina ONE dry adult dog food nutrition and 0 percent fillers mean every ingredient has a purpose
- Premium dog food with omega-6 fatty acids, dog vitamins and minerals to help support his healthy skin and radiant coat and four antioxidant sources to provide immune support for dogs
- Complete and balanced high protein dog food for adult dogs crafted by a veterinarian recommended brand in Purina-owned facilities
- Spoil your pet with Purina products. Reward yourself with points on every purchase. Download the myPurina app today